- 한중일3국협력사무국 한중일+ASEAN 청년 대사 프로그램
한중일3국협력사무국 한중일+ASEAN 청년 대사 프로그램
○ 모집개요
- Initiated by the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) in 2013,
The Young Ambassador Program (YAP) has been held for 9 sessions,
making it a branded project in trilateral youth exchanges. YAP is usually
conducted in the form of a “winter camp” or “summer camp” for
a period ranging from 10 days to 6 weeks, with a variety of activities
such as lectures, seminars, visits, and networking. The program provides
participants with ample opportunities for view exchanges and
understandings of each other, so as to promote a friendly and f
uture-oriented Trilateral Cooperation and East Asia Community.
To commemorate the 25th anniversary of CJK cooperation and
substantialize the consensus of the leaders of the three countries on
“Trilateral+X” cooperation, TCS plans to cooperate with
Guangxi University of China to organize the 10th YAP (a special edition) in
February 2024 in China, inviting university students from China, Japan,
the ROK and ASEAN countries to meet and discuss the future of
Trilateral Cooperation as well as the 10+3 Cooperation. This will be
the first time that the YAP will be held in China, and the first time
that the topics and scope of participation will be extended to
ASEAN countries.
○ 기간 및 일정
- Recruitment Period: 6th Nov - 24th Nov 2023
- Event Date: 26th Feb - 6th Mar 2024 (10days)
○ 지원자격
- Aged below 30
- Currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate students of Chinese,
Japanese, Korean nationality residing in the three countries
(ASEAN students will be recruited separately)
- Fluent in English. Additional CJK language proficiency is an asset
but not required.
- Strong interest in and understanding on Asian studies,
Trilateral Cooperation, and ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation
○ 모집인원
- 50 (12 each from China, Japan, Republic of Korea,
14 from ASEAN countries)
○ 활동내용
- Thematic Lectures
- Dialogue with Ambassadors
- Youth Talks
· CJK Youth Talks
· CJK Career Talks
- CJK + ASEAN Youth Forum
- Site Visits and Cultural Experience
- Group Project
* Participants will be divided into groups for group projects
○ 접수방법
- Register through the Trilateral Youth Exchange Network (TYEN) platform
: https://tyen.tcs-asia.org ; by 24 December 2022.
- Only those candidates deemed suitable, will be notified for
interview at the end of December 2023.
- For any inquiries, kindly contact us at yap@tcs-asia.org
○ 혜택내역
- Obtaining first-hand insights on the dynamics of the Trilateral Cooperation
and ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation from imminent professors,
senior diplomats, experienced practitioners, and young professionals
- Experiencing multilateral and multicultural working environments
- Networking with future leaders of China, Japan, Korea, and ASEAN
- Certificate of participation, awards
- Cultural experience of Nanning
○ 문의
- E-MAIL : yap@tcs-asia.org